This ends now
Maybe it’s the middle of the night… or on your drive to work… or in another never-ending meeting. Your mind wanders. When will it be my turn? What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just DO this?
Is it your fault that you don’t have the right tools?
There is something you’ve been wanting. Maybe you know exactly what it is, or maybe you don’t have a clue. But there is a hunger there. If you are hungry, you can get there. You just need the right tools.

Do you know what has worked absolute miracles in the past?
How did we get to the moon or to the bottom of the ocean? How do people become Olympic champions? These accomplishments are almost miraculous, right?
There were proven methods that made these possible. One is the power of proven project management techniques. The other is the power of a great coach.
The same approach that put someone on the moon can get you where you want to go – whether it is finding that wildly perfect career, finishing that novel, getting into the shape of your life, learning the skill you’ve been dreaming of forever, getting that certification you’ve been putting off, or creating a decluttered home… or whatever your dream.
It may be transitioning from chaos, disorganization, and lack of focus to one of “just enough organization” that doesn’t stifle your creativity.

Imagine what could happen if you had your own personal project manager
PLUS a personal coach
We will put together the vision, and the project plan, that works for YOUR personal style. We get everything in place for success…
Then it all goes south.
Wait… WHAT?
Well, not always. But this is where the magic can happen, and this is where you’ll benefit from an experienced project manager and coach.
Here’s the thing. There is SOME reason why you haven’t been able to get traction. When we put all the pieces together for success and there is nothing standing in your way… something often rears its head.
That’s good! Then we can start knocking out those issues, one by one.
It could be as simple as finding and correcting what is sapping your energy.
Or… there is a method to change your inner blocks, so they work for you, not against you. It has literally changed my life, and it can change yours, too.
We also may address personal environmental design, so we can make sure all of your environments are working for you. Often our environments hold us back more than we know… and this is fixable.
Whatever the reasons, we will work together to address them and to change them into sources of knowledge and strength.

If you are hungry, with a personal project manager
and a personal coach, you CAN get there from here.
Call me now at (317) 520-5777

Hi, I’m Katie.
I’ve been a project manager and a personal coach for about 20 years. I still love both. Why?
I love project management, because I love to take something that is just an idea and collaboratively make it a living, breathing reality. That never gets old.
And, I love coaching, because I’ve always been interested in people – and in collaboratively finding solutions for their challenges. Working with people so their fondest wishes come to life also never gets old.
Let me help you with your project or coaching need – we can change your life together.