This is a really cool technique that can keep us motivated, and make tedious tasks a lot more enjoyable. It’s called gamification, and I am sure you’ve already read about it. The concept is that if we make something into a game, then it takes advantage of how we are naturally wired, and can amplify our odds of sticking with tasks, enjoying those tasks, and succeeding.

If you have ever made a purchase to get the next reward, or stuck with an endeavor to get to the next level, then you have been participating in someone else’s game. And nothing is wrong with that, if you are a willing and clear-eyed participant.

But how can you create your own games? Create a way to easily measure your progress in a task you need or want to do – such as the number of steps in a 30-minute walk. Compete with yourself to break your record. Create a reward system for specific achievements. Celebrate. If you design your game well, getting to the next game level is often reward enough. For example, you are walking an 18-minute mile, but want to be power walking a 13-minute mile. When you get to your 17-minute mile — that is exciting! Post it on social media! Treat yourself to a massage! Celebrate!

But here is more: This post not only explains gamification in depth, but gives you details about some of the best apps to enhance your productivity through games