Sometimes you want something…badly. But you don’t even have a clue what that might be. You might know it’s a different job, or you might just know you want more that what’s in your life right now.

So what do you do?

There are many useful techniques to go mining for that elusive “something”, and I’d like to explore them with you. I’d love it if you comment with your own ideas! .It often takes a combination of several to uncover what your secret dream is. Oddly, a very helpful technique is to consider what you don’t want. It is sometimes easier to think of the negative, and not so difficult to work to the positive. Let’s say you are struggling with deciding on your next career. What would you absolutely hate? All of us want appreciation, some degree of autonomy, meaningful work, and fair compensation.

But some say they would hate working with too much change and chaos. Others say working with too much structure would stifle them. Some don’t want constant people contact – it’s exhausting for them. Others don’t want too little interaction; they need to be around people. Some hate the thought of working in the same spot, day after day. Others find traveling to different job sites or client sites unpleasant. Some would do anything to avoid numbers, or details, or heavy analysis on a daily basis. Some would do anything to avoid strenuous physical work.

Can you see how easy it would be to work backwards from what you dislike, to what you might be after?

Let’s explore more next time.